Sunday, November 1, 2020

impossible november weather (305/365d)

i convinced everyone to make use of this exceptionally beautiful day to go for a short hike which turned quite long. we kidnapped centa on the way out the door. we ended up climbing to the top of the plabutsch. we didn't find the huge swing somebody had told me about that i had bribed everyone with. we found only 2 reizkers. all in all a perfect hike. The funny thing is, i've never experienced fall like this in Graz, and even rarely in new england. no rain, no freezing, no heat, just sunshine and fall colors.

henry took this photo of centa and a tree hugging another tree

fancy dinner just for the adults. -  pasta cooked in white whine with yesterday's black trumpets. because of traditions, i baked a strietzl which the kids had for their dinner. they didn't complain.
Brian taking the mushrooms away from the little critters that got there first

brian was really really tired - he also had run there and back. and yesterday the movie had run quite late, but he played wizard in the evening, read stories to the kids in the bath (while i did simultaneous clean-up time with the others), and had a successful family meeting, where we handed out chores. theodore made himself an arrow with feathers he had found on our hike.

carefully sewing it together
he learned how from the dangerous book for boys

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