Saturday, November 21, 2020

waffles for breakfast (325/365d)

day started with waffles being made by proxy through felix

waffle teams

and the end of some wizard games

finally, we got the kids out the door for a hike, i didn't go with them though. they went to hilmteich on this gorgeous day and i just got to work on my video for the krippenspiel, which was difficult work that requires concentration. i got the framework done for the video and then my mind was fried, and the kids came back. they weren't fried, they were *freezing*... the sun had disappeared so quickly and they were not prepared for it. felix was so cold he was crying and said he didn't even want to play cards.

i made tea for them, and right when everyone was warm enough for a card game, maria called and invited me on a walk, which was a welcome turn of events for me, because i really wanted to move today, and go outside. it was very very cold. we stopped and looked in the windows of an art gallery, looked at the lights in the city on a saturday night with nobody else out, and got asked for money by a beggar who made me very sad.

and finally she came back with me as the kids were practicing (it seemed as though our house is always full of music everywhere) and we had a glass of wine while they watched the beginning of a movie. 

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