Monday, November 23, 2020

drawing motivation (327/365d)

henry's friend niklas came over in the morning to do homework - henry's never gotten his homework done so quickly before. i took them all out to the playground to play tennis and we had a wonderful time.

felix made herb butter all by herself - picking the herbs, cutting the butter. he can be so determined

we had a few different story times - a colleague sent a book-reading mp3, and agnes sent a youtube video of her reading make way for ducklings, and of course i read aloud a lot.

enlarging the wizard cards

in the evening i talked to bruno about the tui st george tucker piece that he recorded with quartertones. we had problems fixing the little things, tempi etc, but finally he got all the things the way i wanted and will send me the files tomorrow. i spent the rest of the evening watching tutorials about davinci resolve, so see how to further edit my videos.

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