Monday, November 2, 2020

either spontaneously or not at all (306/365d)

no hiking this morning, i called andrea at 10am and spent the rest of the day getting ready and borrowing things because she wants a video for the kids christmas pagaent, and after today the government has declared there will be no more singing!

thank goodness for edward, who was ready and available to film, and thank goodness for klaus who lent me all his stuff, and thank goodness for maria who let me borrow her car or i would have not been able to schlepp all the stuff... basically i decided the new motto for the new lockdown "lite" is "either spontaneously or not at all"

edward and i off to the right
everything set up
ok, practice once time through
and record!

were felix in charge of giving medals for books, he would give Anatole, (a book that has a silver medal), a gold medal.... because "it's perfect"

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