Monday, November 30, 2020


What a Monday. There were online music lessons and all together, including school, Theodore had 5 or 6 hours of video conferencing

Brian ran the kids to organ lessons and while waiting for them to be done finished reading the Bulgakov book we are reading together, so now I can finally finish it. 

Now both Theodore and Henry have started using our very old puch bicycles for the primary bike. It just is easier in the city. It's cute to see them heading out on Mama's old red Sprint and another old Clubman.

Papa's audio advent calendar today was Jenö Lisztes & the Roby Lakatos ensemble playing the flight of the bumblebee. Felix danced like crazy to it, with his own unique version of tap-stamp-dancing.

capturable only by video, he was moving so fast.
and what are the others doing?
setting up centa's advent calendar

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