Monday, November 9, 2020

i've always hated alarm clocks(313/365d)

this evening i cut my hand badly with an alarm clock....... really. i was trying to see how the insides worked (or didn't work, as the case happened to be) and suddenly a tightly would spring popped loose and caught my right hand index finger leaving blood and pain in its wake.

badly bruised and cut by this biting alarm clock

before that the day was a bit more calm, and included 2 video shootings! 

one was finishing the scenes we hadn't gotten on saturday of the weihnachtsspiel with edward, although it was very foggy and late, so a bit dark to film. it was very cold. but it didn't start drizzle/raining till we left, so we got it done just in time.

 and one was finishing oblivion using ingrid cz's hand to play the "present" irmtraud (since we are telling the story in flashback)... i was sad to have to tell ingrid "no" when she wanted to give me more h-one nonsense

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