Thursday, November 12, 2020

ups and downs (316/365d)

Brian and I went for a really long nice walk together this morning, although i didn't want to leave the house because it was COOOOLD.

Felix and i had a nice little lunch together, with hot fresh chestnuts and apple strudel from yesterday. then he did homework while i worked on my introduction to the gustav jenner serenade, now that i've listened to it several times. then he had a really good piano lesson. and then, when things were just too perfect, we got home and there was a big tantrum about....... pokemon again. i HATE that stuff!

much better game!

i played with Brigitta, tried a little bit of Ornstein's "ballade" for saxaphone (or viola) and it is just beautiful! meanwhile there was online zoom music theory class and Henry had a lesson with Nadja

i got home just as Centa was doing some filming for her corona catch canon video project.

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