Wednesday, November 11, 2020

undeservedly rarely heard (315/365d)

so unbelievably tired. perked up a bit when nina came over for a small visit, just for a quick cup of coffee as we were just having dinner.

theodore started his rehearsals for smetana's bartered bride

i was excited to see the gustav jenner serenade get put up on youtube... after months of trying to obtain an LP through a library, and getting nowhere, and having nowhere to play an LP anyways, even if I were to have one, i had one sent by ebay to a stranger who was adorably special and agreed to put it up for me. now i can finally write my introduction that has been waiting for me at the publisher place i work for.

now to be heard

i discovered some new viola pieces online - some by ornstein, one by coates, and one by walthew.

made applestrudel with felix, it was perfect, except a bit burned because i forgot about it during caroline's pickwick story club - for some reason i got really really nervous when i read a story of my own to these kids - i really don't know why! 

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