Saturday, November 28, 2020

in the middle of nowhere but still in the city. (332/365d)

We went to find the swing again - the one we couldn't find on our own. A school friend of Henry's showed us, and we had great fun biking, then hiking, then swinging (and finding mushrooms and playing games and hiding in the woods)... All fun until Felix hit Theodore in the face with a willow twig (ouch!) and got so cold he went home early. We were cold when we got home too! First minor snow dusting, and it was so pretty in the woods. When we went last time we weren't even very far from the swing, we just missed it.

new bike for Theodore: only 3 or 4 times older than he is

swing in the woods in the snow

We had made a list of things we wanted to do as a family today, we did some of the things, but not all of them, but we ended the day as promised by finishing watching Ruddigore. 

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