Wednesday, November 4, 2020

last butterfly rehearsal (308/365d)

kept felix home from school - he was too tired after 2 days up till 11pm, and left him home playing chess alone, while brian and i walked together in the rain getting bike 1 re-fixed at one bike shop  - forgetting completely that felix should have had a corona test today - which means he doesn't get to rehearse tomorrow, so today was the last day before the premiere, which should be on saturday, but has already been postponed to december.

got my new bike (that broke the day i bought it) fixed (24 euros, the owner of the bikeshop was in a super bad mood, the guy who fixed it while we watched was the nicest ever)

butterfly rehearsal from 3pm-10pm. ugg, that's long, but felix took it in stride.

how i wish i could be there to see this live

cookies and wizard with edward and henry and centa, then henry and theodore did the casting for verkaufte braut. there was a scream-y bedtime tantrum from theodore of all people. if it's not one of us it's another.

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