Friday, March 29, 2019

yuck sudden migraine attack (351/365b)

i was the springerin in kindergarten,  and the feedback after a day with irma was that every one was very ... "entspannt!" (relaxed) .... it WAS a beautiful day. we only had 10 kids, and we planted and played and i told stories and played my guitar.

felix and i collected baerlauch and chives on our way home.

then things went a bit downhill...
thomas orchestra - the room was stuffy and very warm
kug kinder konzert - the room was stuffy and very very warm

then i went to quintet rehearsal, and my low-grade headache drifted into migraine territory. the flashers from olena's car reflecting on the street signs made me dizzy and nauseous. by the time i got home, i was sick and pale, and brian asked me how much had i had to drink? answer: nothing at all. brian was a sweetheart and even turned off the router so it wouldn't buzz.

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