Thursday, March 14, 2019

happy pi day (if you live in a place that writes your numbers like that) (337/365b)

Puk's birthday - i was so warm and snuggly in my bed as the boys all called her over skype to sing. in fact i snuggled in my warm bed until 20minutes before 9 when i suddenly remembered i had a lesson at 9 and rushed to get there. i made it on time, but my fingers were cold (both from biking in the sudden cold snap we've had, and in the sense of "not warmed up") .... but i did get to play through the entire clarke sonata! i'm so happy, but i have to practice more. that piece is so wonderful!

at home i watched a vonnegut lecture online while i finally drank my first cup of coffee.

Why in the world did James,
the famous author of Ulysses
when Kurt was punched
in the Vonnegut?

-irma 2012

Nao and Bang arrived from Thailand... their trip is farm to bangkok - 8hrs, fly to paris via china 15 hours, bus to graz, 17 hours.... 3 days straight of travel! they were asleep by the time theodore and the rest got back from watching one more play-though of his piece (he performs it on saturday for the competition. i think his duo is good and ready now)

i picked up a tripod from klaus to use tomorrow, and then drove through the city to practice more Matthew Locke at Bettina's.... much better than last time. the worst part was the driving. i ended up on the wrong tram side of a divider instead of the car side. nothing happened though, and i found the place fine.

i got home and filled the bio-kuebel with rotting apples and pinecones. then took my photo of the day with the only subject i could think of, then got distracted fiddling with the sharpening tool.

phew, i'm beat. off to bed.

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