Thursday, March 21, 2019

first pottery class! (344/365b)

took a publicity shot for andrea and her husband martin for the paper. i don't think they got it in on time. too bad. the shot was cute though, maybe they'll use it next time. i met manuela in town when i got done. i like that she has time in the day sometimes now. :) it's nice. i got to take her back to my place and nao had cooked for us. ultimate luxury! she loves kale and there is plenty of it in our garden. it doesn't grow as well in thailand, since kale tastes best after the first frost.

there was no pay-with-a-poem here today
or anywhere else in graz
but now it's tradition that i come here on world poetry day and have coffee

thai cuisine is so colorful
First pottery class of three was tonight. nina and i picked up theodore right from the opera, and then out to st.peter ceramics where andreas taught us (mostly) centering. other people made cool things, i didn't really, but it was really fun. theodore has quite a lot of patience with this stuff.

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