Saturday, March 30, 2019

back to regularly scheduled hanger management (352/365b)

woke up so tired and cranky and sore and disoriented... awww. at least it was a mercifully short migraine.

felix wrote (dictated) a book called
"Felix makes a yummy yummy fruit salad"
then sewed it together by himself dressed as a king
this is such a fun age!

clothes project was not my favorite.
theodore and i cut out and painted a new top for his box of puzzles. i loved the paint blob that came out of the paint (because nao used the paint mixed it right in the tube so the tubes are no longer one color, kind of annoying but also, in this case, kind of cool)

we sang three part harmony with me at the piano - playing the bass and singing the second soprano part is not soooo easy but SOOOO fun

brian went to thrift store

miguel, a fellow lindy hopper from spain) is staying with us, but i was very antisocial, so much so that i cooked dinner and let brian and centa serve it outside without me while i got hangrier and hangrier...

quintet rehearsal in the afternoon, where the bus connections were horrible, i was late, and then  olena had to leave exactly at 6

kids made "car salads" henry nearly fell asleep eating his

idea from this billboard
kids start action
henry shows off his creation
that's what i call ...
...wait for it...
....counter production
brian fell asleep reading the kids to sleep

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