Thursday, March 28, 2019

saying no more kindergarten with a heavy heart (351/365b)

a very difficult day for me. i decided to take felix out of kindergarten and teach him at home. maybe i can be encouraged differently. for now, he'll finish the week and then we'll talk. it is very tough for me since the kindergarten is at least partially also my project, and saying it's not working for me feels very failure-y.

meanwhile felix was very proud of his rechnenaufgaben that he got at kindergarten (for which the kindergarten apologized, worried that he will be bored in school) ....

opening a letter from grossmutter
showing tante centa his favorite math problems
we spent all the time we could possibly spend at jackie's house after dinner, i just went over and over my decision. we laughed and talked and cooked until dark, and left 10minutes after brian arrived with theodore and henry.

late in the evening i saw a mass sms from ubuk, asking if anybody had time to substitute for a kindergarten teacher tomorrow because nobody they had asked was available. i signed up. that may be awkward tomorrow.

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