Tuesday, March 26, 2019

non-hike on mountain (349/365b)

up the schoeckl with nao and bang, for which we borrowed nina's car, used seilbahn. up up up we went, walked around and had some spicy sausage ("this is spicy?" asked bang) and back down. brian left us at the top to run down and home. he slipped and bruised his knee quite badly on a rock near the top but that didn't stop him from going the next 15km.
brian photographs me sunbathing with his running shoes
at home, while i was cooking, theodore dropped a liter bottle of oil on the floor and half of it spilled out. that took about 3 hours to clean up. if anyone had asked me "do you think you could find 3 hours today to clean the floor?" i would have said no, but somehow i found that.

trio with henry because he begged me (just the two of us) while theodore doodled with ruler and compass and sent a letter back to my mother to thank her for the awesome present of the ruler and compass and book to go with it.

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