Friday, March 8, 2019

how will anyone know about the concert? (330/365b)

i was sick - definitely had a fever and a cough. who cares, went to rehearsal anyways. took photos for kleine zeitung and was mad afterwards.

rehearsal at 9:30am instead of 10am. organizer and conductor late. everyone else at the orchestra was cranky. i noticed there was no notice in the local papers about this concert that everyone's putting effor into. no notice in the online calendar, except a placeholder describing the concert as "fastenzeit" and listed for the wrong time. i brought that up with the organizer and she explained it was the paper's fault. i offered to take a photo for her to have in the paper tomorrow. she said she didn't think that would work.
woman power
i sent her the photo anyways despite everything, and she told me it wasn't what she wanted, she would like another one of the whole orchestra. .... hey, i also play in the orchestra, and not everyone came to the rehearsal, so no i don't have a photo of everyone. it's not my style, but i think i will stay annoyed forever.

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