Monday, March 11, 2019

new salon erfurt but everyone's going to keep using the old name for a while i think (334/365b)

i forgot i didn't have a lesson so i got to the kons in the morning and then practiced on my own, stayed with theodore while he did his homework.

waiting to go on

herr winkler, amandine and theodore
"duo AT"
theodore had a nice concert after a full monday - felix and i left right after theodore played. he wanted to stay to the end because the person in charge announced that there would be a "surprise" at the end of the concert. it was the first kons concert at the new salon erfurt which is no longer called the salon erfurt. i played at the last one under the old name in december. and theodore played at the first one of the new one. i think that's kind of cool.
the surprise turned out to be cool: a cool little piece for violin and piano by hans neuner in an early 20th century edition. i scanned it and put it online, and i think i'll transcribe it for viola.

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