Sunday, March 10, 2019

coffee roasting (332/365b)

didn't have much planned for the morning...

...felix did though! he was having an acrobat show and charged adults 2euros. he was very happy when nina rang the doorbell. he gave centa a discount. he wasn't happy that he had to wait until brian and his brothers got back from the farmers market to start the show, but then he was happy he got to make tickets and even wanted me to give him a few cents for writing them (but i didnt) ....

i got the brilliant idea to open all the windows and roast some coffee. good thing i had nina to keep track of the beans.
hmm... is something burning?
nope! just roasting some coffee!
i made lunch and olena joined us on her way from teaching to quintet rehearsal... we were almost late. - after a song or two they sent me home sick. more fever.

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