Saturday, March 9, 2019

anti-climax (331/365b)

it was theodore's teacher's last day before maternity leave. i walked him to school and got flowers. i wasn't the only parent to think of that: she had a mountain of flowers on her desk already. all the parents gathered together, outside the school and we headed up the many stone stairs to the classroom to hand over a joint present and shake her hand goodbye. i was sick so i just hid in the back of the room. it was very anticlimactic, since we didn't have a speech prepared and nobody really knew what to say other than "good luck" ...

then i met up with michi... and i was still very sick and sneezy and coughy... we sat outside, and it was colder than expected

felix wanted to walk home from kindergarten, which is nearly km. and then he and brian really did it! since brian got back so much later than normal left henry at the bus stop to go to his orchestra with nadja, and then fled to my concert.

frauenorchester concert was a pretty messy performance but the audience (it wasn't empty, but it wasn't full either) was very appreciative. paul paid for the musicians out of his own pocket. the after party was a little anticlimactic, with most of the musicians already being long gone and h. being very possessive of the many bottles of wine that had gotten donated. my head hurt so much, from congestion so i went easy on the wine.

the musicians around the tiny table in the corner

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