Wednesday, March 13, 2019

senior scientist (336/365b)

easy day, i did lots and lots of computer work, including editing some pictures for salon orchester from *january* ..... i want to be done with a lot of computer stuff before Puk's friend Nao visits on Thursday.

henry took this when he got back from school
computer work is not very attractive, or good for the spine
Brian took over kids and cooking etc. while i hid downstairs with my laptop.

Cecilia S...s is a Senior Scientist in Salzburg. If that title isn't alliterative i don't know what is! (Of course, German's "Wissenschaftler" is mistakenly not translated to researcher) We toasted to her success!

none for me, thank you, i am abstaining from alcohol,
but i fully support centa and brian celebrating with champagne!

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