Friday, March 15, 2019

busiest day with jetlag (338/365b)

all the things had to happen today due to all the schedules colliding after being postponed a week.

kindergarten interviews /shooting (unfortunately i left my camera on the table when i left, but i have to say with the amount of pro-equipment they have with them it's pretty embarrassing to walk along side them with my little dslr)

they interviewed me and that worked out ok. they tried to interview felix and that didn't work so well he talked talked talked until the camera was on him. he's the only kid who speaks english so is him or nobody. they'll try again later.

we had a quick lunch and felix tried to sell them lots of things from his store. he was overjoyed that bang bought a bone (for his bride of two months) and that nao bought a stone for 5 euros that was "originally" 15 euros. to be fair, it was a fancy store-bought jade that he had found in a treasure hunt and didn't really want to part with. but the promise of a real bill won him over.
what to choose?
bang had to charge all the batteries and empty all the memory cards. then we went to my quintet and gave interviews. on they way  bang offered to shoot a music video for us. whaaat?! aaaah! excited!) everyone was very nervous speaking in front of the cameras .. the two visitors were dead beat by the time we got home. i stayed up admiring my makeup and taking angsty teenager mirror photos

looook into my sooooul

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