Tuesday, March 19, 2019

pad thai (341/365b)

There's always enough to do on Monday. But today there was a day off from school and STILL lots of stuff to do, plus we had visitors. Henry even had 2 concerts with his jugendorchestra in two schools that didn't have off, for which he had to leave at 7:30 in the morning. That didn't stop us from having a magnificent dinner, thanks to Nao and some team work. 

I found the Asian market with Nao, and Theodore and Henry went to choir from there, which made me very nervous 10 minutes after they left, because it suddenly occurred to me they might have no idea how to get there from where we were. It turned out they had had no problems. I left Nao at a bus stop and took myself to my last Matthew Locke rehearsal, which should have been an hour but went way over. At home everyone except me was already congregated
chop chopping

phil wearing one of his new feathers bought at felix's store.

the new look is to wear diagonale bicycle saddle covers as hats.
not a trend yet?
don't forget, you saw it here first!

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