Sunday, March 17, 2019

an almost day of rest (339/365b)

There was lots of things I wanted to show Nao and Bang today, but they were just plain exhausted. With jet-lag and travel tiredness plus 2 full interview shoots yesterday they were ready for a so-called "zero day" ... it was a pity because the weather was delightful, the farmers market was buzzing, the clouds were pretty, but sleep is sleep and should not be tampered with. They did join us for a croissant breakfast and that was perfect. 

Before they were even awake though, we were all moving around. Henry had an all day rehearsal day in Leibnitz, and Theodore played for the competition at 8:30.

the awards were announced at 12:05 (exactly!) ... we went with a delegation...
waiting with baited breath

serious faces:
a first prize for our duo!

walking home munching on carrots
complaining about how many first prizes there are
brian had a choir rehearsal and i went to get henry from a drop-off location. i was going to take theodore and felix but they wanted to go with nao and bang to see the asian market.

glad to find him happy.

pretending to take a picture of the sunset so i can actually take a picture of these people
it didn't really work out, but what a piece of work
they were disparaging immigrants
joking about being nazis
complaining that the new times were so much worse
plus he was clearly 30 years younger!
and had a weird sailor cap that he sometimes put on
at home, i found nao exhausted from dealing with stubborn felix who wouldn't walk. Also, they didn't find the asian market, which seems to have moved recently. They were not happy with that. We said goodnight to them at about 7:30.

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