Wednesday, March 20, 2019

diagonale or, the failure of the introverted press (342/365b)

brian took the thai visitors to the farmers market and they shot more in the kiga... they think they are done with that portion of their video work! ubuk had his interview after kindergarten ....
first it hailed, then the sun came out, then it rained, so we had them on our front porch, me sitting on the steps... even those shots, under the most difficult circumstances (lack of light and space) turned out great - bang is such a pro!

nina got us press tickets to the diagonale (the big film festival) opening... Somehow we got four of them, so Manuela and I went with Nao and Bang. It was a swanky affair, and everyone knew everyone, except for us. The place was packed. The movie never came. We were there for hours and hours and had a glass of wine each. That was fine for us. We took some photos of people, but mostly we were four introverted people who didn't know who to talk to or what to ask.


we got back and manuela and bang and i stayed up late in the kitchen having bland (for bang) and spicy (for me) thai food, while nao crashed in bed exhausted.

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