Friday, March 1, 2019

more nirthday (324/365b)

henry was too sick to go to school today... woke up crying in pain because his ear hurt. lucky him stayed home to play with his mama, and got to go over to ingrid's house to celebrate centa's nirthday. when you don't have a birthday you can celebrate as many times as you want! it's kind of a plus - the day before it should be? the day after? all of them? every day is an unbirthday!

our celebration was coming to an end when brian let us know nina was at our door so we shuffled ourselves over. nina helped henry finish his sewing project from manuela, and it came out so cute! he did most everything himself, but the directions were hard for any of us to follow.
team work

henry's in a good mood even though he's sick
spelling happy birthday together

i had to have lead a discussion with the kindergarten. originally jacky was going to do that, but there were other things going on for her and she didn't come. so it was just andi, me, and the two kindergarten people. it was very sad and uncomfortable, but i think very productive and necessary. we kept it to under an hour because it was sandwiched between two sessions of recordings with quintet.

in the first recording session my dstring unravelled. i borrowed irmtrauds car, drove to and held the meeting, then raced against time to get to the really nice luthier who had promised to wait for me to sell me a set of strings (unfortunately dominants are not my favorite, but that's what he had, and they are still 130euros so i'm kind of stuck with them for a while) then raced back and finished the recording.

in the late night another uncomfortable talk on the phone, to talk about how we are going to do the summer stuff without marielis because she has her diplom to finish, and we have so many important gigs. the rest of the recordings we'll have to do with someone else because she wont have time to do the videos etc.

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