Thursday, August 23, 2018

robert stolz concert (134/365b)

Robert Stolz is one of those composers who couldn't find a home when he was alive and everyone wants to claim now that he's long dead...
He's from Graz because he was born here.
from Vienna because he lived there
from Berlin because he studies and later died there
from America because he fled there and wrote music from hollywood

but who cares where he's from, all my quintet cares about is that his music is fun to play and Graz sometimes names things after where he's from, like streets. The new senior center opened a new wing, and his name was slapped on it and we got invited to play for the opening, and his grandnephew was there to say a few words.
after the concert

Since there were lots of political speeches etc. i told brian to bring the kids only later. they played on the grass for the boring stuff.

i did lots of snuggling in the afternoon in anticipation of leaving on my trip tomorrow, but then it got too much hometime so we went to the abenteuerspielplatz, and i went for a nice long walk with manuela, and got home in time to read felix a bedtime story.

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