Tuesday, August 28, 2018

hospital cake (140/365b)

The day started yummily (of course!) with very perfect coffee.
not so demur

super cute, huh?
some last photo impressions of berlin... we walked around. not quite enough time before the flight to go any where for real, but too long to go straight there.
goodbye purple bra (said maybe the guy in the 4th floor)

bike shop with street sign wheel
good bye airbnb with the weird unicorn mask thing
At the airport I wrote to Brian: 
at the airport
Berlin Tegel
no toilet paper
no wifi
no passport control (at all)
no joke

Kurt and Kris picked us up from the airport, and i was home in no seconds flat. I found a note to tell me everyone was at the playground, so I biked there. Scooting my kids home (it's unfair for mama to have a bike) felix's foot got caught in the back wheel between the frame and the spokes. He screamed and screamed "never never" will he go to the hospital. I asked him if i could pack him a special snack, he stopped crying and sputtered "popcorn." so i made popcorn. worried about finding the right place. after 3 phone calls i still wasn't sure the correct location for non-life-threatening accidental injuries to kids where bones may or also may not be involved. the phone calls were for nothing. the taxi driver knew exactly where we needed to go (better than the lady at the call center even!)
Spent the evening in the hospital. (lightly fractured, quick recovery, cast/no walking for at least a week) Got home to find Centa and the boys had baked him a hospital cake. Not exactly a welcome home from berlin evening with pictures and stories. But overall, much better than it could have been.
poor felix (11:30pm before the sugar high)

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