Wednesday, August 22, 2018

podcast (133/365b)

Sent the kids to the sommeratelier again, this time we picked up theodore's friend luki also ... they had gotten back from vacation at 1am, and were not quite awake when we were picking him up. but luki seemed happy, and felix and i got a little bit of alone time. i got to practice a little too.

nina came over (finally back from her trip!) and even offered to put together lunch while i went back into town to grab the big kids. that was super nice and super yummy and super. we looked up stuff for our berlin trip on thursday, and then went our separate ways.

i was off to quintet rehearsal, and then afterwards we had a podcast scheduled. i packed everything for the possibility of staying over night because it was supposed to be at 1:30am our time, but naaah, we called him at 21:30 and that worked much better. i wasn't in charge of the setting up of this, but the guy is from bolivia and has a podcast in english about culture and how it makes the world a better place.

it took us a few tries to get everything to work

and then hoorah! marcello jordan! 

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