Thursday, August 30, 2018

private gallery viewing (142/365b)

We didn't go anywhere yesterday, but I had thought yesterday or today i would check when this mechanical art gallery would be open and take the kids to it. not wanting to risk the trip without knowing when they were open, and not finding things online so easily, i rode there first, and saw the gallery set up, but the sign on the door said the final day was yesterday. i was crestfallen. then i asked in the gallery next door, whether i could just look inside. she tried to call the artist and then the curator and got no answer. took my phone number and went inside again.

later i got a text message: they are opening for you and your family at 2pm. i texted back, thank you thank you!

it was a gallery of plywood machine sculptures by niki passath .... very wonderful. we were only sad the mechanical drawing arm was not turned on to paint a canvas. the other sculptures all turned on moved in synchronicity. it was fun to try not to get hit by a revolving arm while walking around and seeing what the similarities and differences were.
deep analysis

all the boys
henry wondering if he can make one himself

plywood gears
it was super cool, but the artist has much cooler things that he's done. i was very impressed by the book in the gallery of some of his other work.

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