Saturday, August 4, 2018

music high (118/365b)

i didn't want to see any more la strada. but barbara was playing the last show, and nina strongly recommended seeing the french carribean band (and even brought me a dress to wear). i'm so glad we went! it was fun!
different listening styles
front row seats in a gigantic audience
music for orchestra and apartment block
barbara on the top balcony waving a pink fan
cool stage that they changed every number
made out of beer crates
also, the percussionist in the back is playing a box. it's tied around his neck with a string.
the lid opens and closes to make a noise, and he has a stick to beat it on the side

sweaty and still happy
playing very strange and beautiful sounding flutes that look like plungers
henry captured this one after the show.
but the absolute top best stuff was the dancing afterwards, which i ended up staying till the band basically dropped after 3 encores. they were playing gypsy, klezmer, reggae, everything. it wasn't too loud, and i couldn't stand still. long after all the orchestra musicicans (and my kids and husband) had given up and gone home, i was still bouncing around in the front row by the stage. screaming. laughing. jumping. clapping. cheering. singing along in gibberish who-knows-what language. i got home not even that late, only midnight, completely music high and happy.

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