Sunday, August 26, 2018

markets in parks and concerts in parks (138/365b)

how could we spend 5 hours shopping and not really buy anything?
the answer is partially in these 1000words:
this was the size of the crowd through the entire mauerpark, so you can't go very fast
my eyemakeup from yesterday hadn't completely rubbed off, and whenever i caught a glimpse of myself i was a little astonished at my emo-ness. Shopping always is a little stressful, but there was so much interesting stuff to look at I was distracted. I practiced my "street photography"...

with limited success
and also experienced a complete street photography fail, where I put my camera up to take a picture, and the lady jumped up and yelled at me for not buying any of her stuff, and if i bought something i could take her picture. After that we needed a break.

taking a break for some peace, too bad the button is just drawn on.
At Mauerpark again, looking through the various old stuff. just big huge cardboard boxes of random stuff, lots broken, and worthless. then you pick up some little object and hold it up and one of the guys in charge shouts down what seems to be a random price, with the idea that you haggle somehow. We didn't really want anything and aren't hagglers. Plus we were getting tired of walking around.

We headed to the outskirts of the zoological garden, where there was a little park. We sat on the wall and wrote some postcards and listened from far away to the band playing. At intermission we were ready to go home, but we thought we'd listen to one more song from the front row. We ended up staying right up through the end. Despite creepy dude who told me i should put on sexier clothes because he liked to look. Despite super drunk man who yelled at the audience. Laughing a little at the lady who came up with little tiny bottles of schnapps and gave it to the singer, because it was her birthday. We all sang happy birthday to unknown lady and then a really awkward nerdy guy in his 20s came and stood by the stage for a song or two, and then leaned over to tell her "it's my birthday too." so she said happy birthday to EVERYBODY and gave him a tiny bottle of schnapps. That was hilarious. We danced and cheered and got into a more party attitute (i may be slightly addicted to the music high i get) Plus we knew we were going to go back in the evening, put our feet up and have some hummus.

marie chain in concert
can you sign the cd: "nina und irma?"
"nina und ihr mann?"

Oh the hummus. We would go get hummus on our way back. But staying to buy the cd and have it signed, and walking back through the park with no lights, and waiting for the u bahn, and times not working out, we got out of the train slightly after 10 when they closed, walked really fast and found lights still on at quarter past. Before they told us the place was closed we explained we really just wanted a bowl of hummus, nothing else. "we're are all out of hummus. we open again at tuesday at 5." but we'll be gone by then! we were crestfallen. we explained how we had rushed her, how we had looked forward to it, how much we loved it. they asked if we had hummus in graz, and we said yes, but not THIS hummus. We said we make it ourselves but it's not so good. and then one of the workers there said she actually had gotten herself a bowl of hummus takeaway for her own dinner, and "we could have it"....... just have it. don't worry about it. and please enjoy it. and have a good night. and bye.

i squeaked with happiness, and we walked back and enjoyed the yummy food, and chatted with our airbnb roommates, who are very odd. their version of berlin site-seeing seems to be sitting in the apartment and looking at tourmaps, watching tv shows, and doing laundry in the most complicated way possible. we told them we wanted to see sans soucci tomorrow, and they told us it was a very sad place and we didn't want to go. i eventually figured out they didn't mean sans soucci but Sachsenhausen, which is a little different.

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