Saturday, August 18, 2018

Aaaah I love to dance! (132/365b)

Today i was so privileged to get to be part of the New Orleans Jazz Funeral, where 9 couples walked to sad music, drying their eyes, and when they arrive at the main square, to an awaiting audience, the trumpet player gives a signal, we pop open colorful umbrellas, the band starts playing awesome lindy music, and we dance away as we want for a few songs.

ready to swing at 8:30am

The sun was oppressive. The band was in the shade. The audience was all in the shade, but us dancers were in the blazing hot sun. Despite that, Kris and I danced nearly every dance, long after our contractual obligation had been fulfilled. the people who were driving us the hour back to graz had to leave right after, and so we ran to get our things and bring them down to the car, but the entrance to the room we had left our stuff was blocked by the largest wedding dress being worn by the smallest woman whose mien was similar to the description of snow-white with the addition of the most glitter ever added to fake eyelashes.

i wanted to dance more when we got home. first we ate something and kris headed home. then i turned on some dance music, but after one dance and then i checked on something in the oven, and then i lay down on the floor and nearly fell asleep.

story snuggle time

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