Wednesday, August 8, 2018

last full day in hungary (122/365b)

a day of just swimming and lazing around. we now all have sunburns, and don't even care ;)

i used up a liter of milk that had gone bad (minus some milk that i mistakenly poured into my coffee) to make nockerln with cabbage ... the kids all said "ewwww" and then once they tried it they couldn't stop eating it. as rozanne gold says it's the "ultimate comfort food." ..."Cabbage!"

because the milk had gone bad we waited for brian to pick up milk on his way home from his 20km run. i stayed behind from the first beach trip to update my blog and take a nap. i don't know why but this vacation has made me so very very tired!

after dinner more beachtime, this time, we stayed in the water past sunset. i walked at least a kilometer out with larissa, until we could no longer grab the bottom of the lake with our toes and we swam back slowly, sometimes floating on our back until we were back on the shore.


sunset over the balaton
we ended up staying up WAAAAY too late drinking palinka (homebrewed purely from peaches by zsolt's family) and talking. brian and i walked larissa back to her place and stood at the gate for another hour, and then walked down by way of the lake and went for another swim under the stars, complete with very showy perseids and some planets. it was absolutely wonderful, and we shivered on the way home but we didn't even care.

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