Sunday, August 5, 2018

arrival at lake balaton (119/365b)

headed to lake balaton this morning. we were going to nominally leave by 9, but brian hadn't gotten the car yet, and i wanted to meet manuela too. so i left the kids making waffles on their own, and headed out to find her. brian got the car and packed. when i got back we were still not all ready to go, but there was no stress.

we took backroads to avoid going through slovenia, and headed straight to hungary, always at 50-70kmh. a little slow, but the scenery was so pretty. i am always surprised how unrelated hungarian is to german. there is no foothold. i know no words. also, there's little to no crossover. you hit the border and instantly everything is completely hungarian. how did the austro-hungarian empire even work? it reminded us of getting to the pennsylvania border (from any state!) - suddenly bumpy bump bump along the highway. we drove at the hottest part of the day, and before we even left graz the kids started asking "when we would be there" - family road trip cliche. STOP FIGHTING IN THE BACKSEAT. DON'T MAKE US STOP THE CAR. DO YOU WANT TO GET OUT AND WALK? ARE WE THERE YET??

Felix asked if he could rent kettkars down at the beach. And i asked 'do you have a job?' and he said, with a mischievous grin 'yeees' and i asked 'what's your job?' 'not listening' he said. 'oh really, i asked, and how much do you make an hour?' '100dollars.' 'a hundred dollars an hour? So how long did you spend not listening today?' '10 hours.' 'so you got 1000dollars today? Great, then you can rent the kettkars tomorrow.' 

Brian promised the people we were staying with pizza this evening. little did we know our rooms, with kitchen, had no oven.
feed these people pizza please
you have one electric burner, a crepe pan, and no counterspace. Go!
all the amenities.
i did it. it was a little bit chewy, but done all the way through. there was even a vegan option, and it was delicious.

the lake is beautiful and flat, but we haven't been in it yet. i'm sure we will find a way to go swimming tomorrow!

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