Saturday, August 11, 2018

layers layers layers (125/365b)

woke up too late to go to the beach, already way too hot. so we closed the blinds and watched a really very terrific russian movie... Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession, a 1973 Soviet science fiction film that's pure comedy gold, with some very danceable songs.

Then we watched another one.

Meanwhile, Mary and I crafted and painted and cooked. We ended up with Lecsó, 3 canvases, new earrings, and a brand-new leonard cohen poem that we tried to turn into a song.
11:20 and almost done with the movie.
the trick, said mary, to painting, is layers.

and she's right.
kids are adding the next layer... 8 so far, and it looks great!

it's only 35degrees celcius, why wouldn't you want everyone sitting on top of you reading?
You're so lucky I love you
when you make puns before lunch
You're so lucky I love you
when we spend our morning
watching movies with subtitles
soviet science fiction
with gypsy inspired sountrack
you're so lucky i love you
when you make puns before lunch
asking me how i felt
was it a good "mood-vie"
do you want to watch another?
you ask me and i think
you're so lucky i love you
when you make puns before lunch.

 I tried to learn to "chop" and the sound made Martin's teeth feel like they were falling out so I stopped - I even payed 13euros for Casey Driessen's official tutorials about this.

Everyone else went swimming in the evening, but Mary and I stayed behind to take headshots for her duo band.
i think they turned out quite well!
i practiced chopping in the other room while they rehearsed, and then i offered to cook for them before i opened the fridge and found we had absolutely nothing. not even an egg. so tomi took the challenge and cooked. tunafish and pasta, while i played fiddle music, which apparently tomi hated so much he asked me to stop. no pleasing anyone today. the rest of our group got back nearly at 10 and i thought we would have an early night since everyone was so tired, but since it was my last night of course we tried zsolt's palinka and drank and talked till brian fell asleep on the floor.

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