Monday, August 13, 2018

back to graz (126/365b)

Mary and her nephews

Time to leave, and somehow it's always so hard to break away. It took forever to get our stuff together, not because we had very much of it but because we didn't really want to go... but leave we did. we played a little more music, picked a lot more figs, and packed the car and left. i drove a little way, but it really wasn't my favorite ride. i think it was in limp mode, the ac didn't work, and there was pretty much no acceleration. as soon as brian took the wheel again it was fine. ah VW (or as the kids used to call it, auweh)

at home we tried to unpack and put away as much stuff as we could. the kids were pretty distracted by trying to set up shop, painting snail shells and rocks to sell, with no plan for target market or advertising. i had promised to read them the hobbit if it had arrived in the mail, but it hadn't yet. too bad. i'm excited to embark on the project of reading that book aloud.

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