Tuesday, August 7, 2018

hiking in hungary (121/365b)

first we took the ferry and then we hiked.
but to get to the ferry was over a mile walk, and it was already hot and the way seemed far and sunny.

zsolt's family decided to stay on this side of the lake and just go swimming but we took the boat, and were glad we did. larissa stuck with us though, and was duly impressed by the stamina showed by my hiking boys.

we found ourselves happily in the shade, munching on wild plums that we gathered from a nearby tree. eventually we tired of laying around, and found the hiking trail. in spite of the  shade and the woods and the breezes it was swelteringly hot. larissa who has lived in the Caribbean said it felt tropical.
at the top, with no view

from the ferry

we found hundreds of this species... i'm guessing invasive?
when we got back i was too hot for words. too hot for anything. too hot to even sleep.
i gave up, and was glad that zsolt's family took over cooking and made Lecsó, with potatoes and vegetables from his cousin's garden.

we talked until late into the night again, all except me, who gave up and went to read and fell asleep by the end of the page.

some wonderful felixisms from today:
sad lights = satellites.
extra sizes = exercises
and ... mama, mama, i have a really important question.... do the birds near the rocket launching get burned up?

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