Friday, August 10, 2018

and eat a peach on the beach (124/365b)

Mary was so nice to let us sleep in nice and late today. She took all the kids down to the beach, and Martin had a work meeting. Eventually we were up and walked ourselves down to the beach by way of some fig trees. The picnic blanket was in the blazing sun. The nice spot we like so much was getting the grass reseeded and so it was cordoned off, all the shade trees were therefore inaccessible. Last year I had had so much fun reading in the hammock there. Too bad.

Mary and I went to get some béla kava, where we first tried to sit at a different table from our "usual" but it was too hot and sunny, so we moved to our very own personal table. I got one coffee with Mary, and we talked, and when Martin joined us I got another cup of coffee. Eventually it was too hot for the beach so we walked to the bus stop and took the bus home. Brian ran and beat us by a long shot.

After lunch we just played music and all the adults fell asleep for several hours, and all the kids kept playing. When we woke up again we went to a different beach, in Izola. It was "fun" to try to park the gigantic rental van we had, and "fun" to get it back out of the teeny-tiny parking lot. We forgot the hammock, which was the whole reason for choosing this beach, but we hung out in the shade anyways for a while, and then brian and i went for an ice-cream walk just alone, and held hands and got lost in the cobblestone streets. it was so very nice.

Mary the true artist, she can make something of anything
My dearest runner in post-communist blockhousing

Agnes showing Felix the sunflower she planted and then they harvested two seeds

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