Monday, October 30, 2017

We were nebenan and were fragt (206/365a)

Felix spent most of the day at the Foersters, and Theodore and I had our lessons. There was no chorus today, which was a nice little bonus - an empty afternoon and evening that I had no qualms about leaving entirely empty. More kitchen work and music listening is fine too.

FragNebenan (ask next door) is an organization that Andi helped start a few years ago. It involves facebook groups in radiuses around your own home so you can ask people geographically close to you for help, and maybe get you out of your same-interests-same-friends-same-background-same-looks bubble. at 10pm he asked us to help translate his cv. (We learned some new things, like, that he gave a talk at TEDx, cool!) Finally something (small) we could give back.

working together: removing or maybe adding hyphens

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