Wednesday, October 11, 2017

new bows on a tired tuesday (186/365a)

i had so many things i wanted to do with my mostly day off.... all the things i wanted to do just for myself got pushed off and ignored.

some bows had been shipped in from germany from some very good makers and i went to carl smith's house to try them out. a violist in graz who used to play at auc, what a small world. when i got there the house was aglow with baroque music - they were having a rehearsal that i unknowingly interrupted with this nonsense. i was a little embarrassed to play in front of strangers at 10 in the morning with cold fingers and unknown bows but i did. one of them was extra nice but i decided not to try it longer, since the next week and a half is really just algeria.

at home, felix and henry and i chopped pumpkins for the kindergarten dinner tomorrow. went to rehearsal at 8, i was very tired for it. i almost forgot to take any pictures. when i reminded myself the only energy i could muster was a scared/sad looking handheld at 50mm selfie.
i'm so tired i might fall asleep wearing a scarf

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