Saturday, October 7, 2017

happy birthday, klaus! (182/365a)

something's gotta give. with a day like yesterday i ended up being particularly unmotivated to do anything today. the big kids were at boys day with fritz and felix and brian went out shopping. i just lay around and snoozed. :)

then all together, we were off to the salonorchester conert, where i did photos, and the kids took turns making noises in the front row. this was irmtraud's surprise birthday party for klaus. it was funny to watch it dawn on him as he looked over the audience and saw family members from far away that he hadn't expected to see.

we stayed for buffet and wine and more music. we got little coloring books to draw "the story of klaus" ... we'll see how they feel about our 10am rehearsal tomorrow ;)

waiting patiently for the concert to start...

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