Thursday, October 12, 2017

18-135mm (187/365a)

i got a new lens!
i can finally take pictures like this!!
< / sarcasm >
i got the dinner done for the kindergarten on time in spite of sleeping late. felix didn't even go to kindergarten. he was sick. we both didn't feel great so we cuddled most of the morning. he felt well enough to go for a walk so we waited for his brothers to get home (and for the mailman to bring my package) and we all went on a very short mushroom excursion (the longer you wait to leave the shorter the excursion gets)
cute <3

we left brian with 5 kids and jackie and and i went to the elternabend for the kindergarten to listen to how things will continue since the government doesn't want to admit that where our kids are being taken care of by kindergarten educators is in fact a kindergarten. they are, in effect, being forced to close or move: both options are extremely suboptimal.

sturm after the elternabend

tonight was our last rehearsal before our trip. we were all tired and punchy, but we also met our singer, so it was productive and entertaining.


  1. 835mm! Such a beast :D

  2. i finally fixed it! my lens officially just got much more boring...
