Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Linz and more! (200/365a)

The last Neuroth concert, the ones where we are disoriented by concertizing at 10am with the feel of 8pm. again up at 4am, to leave Graz at 5. I have never been to Linz, but cannot pretend like I have been there now - we just drove through, gave our concert and left. We didn't even have the energy for a good photobooth picture. Barbara's step dad was taking pictures and video for us. I gave him my camera which happened to have no battery or memory card in it. Good thing he didn't even attempt to use it - he was happy with his own setup.

We got stuck in traffic because one of the tunnels was closed. The mountains we drove past were so beautiful. With rainbows, snow, gorgeous skies...

Terrible cell phone picture.
Went to yoga where I got sooo cold in the final meditation. Headed off to swing dancing beginners night. Met up with Manuela, which was the highlight of the evening [ we hid in the restaurant. Didn't really dance after she left, but ended up talking until late with someone Manuela knew and introduced me to when she was leaving.

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