Monday, October 9, 2017

concert at the cafe (185/365a)

A breakfast kind of morning
I was prepared to see very little of my family today, with school and chorus and my practicing and everything, so I tried to get up earlier and hang out at breakfast, but they were very much intrigued by various books.

Next stop Elke... scales!
 Brian ended up missing most of lindy lesson. Of course I missed all of it. We had our little Algeria music run through. I had friends who came and watched... Lovely ladies! Manuela used my camera, but the lighting in the cafe was a disaster - way too dark with a projector that makes Klaus look like an extra from terminator. ;) .... 

driving back at 11 barbara and i talked about the public's general attitude to women ... "does your husband 'let' you stay out" and "who is taking care of the children" and "what a good father... he is taking 'such good' (standard) care of the kids"..... well... we're trying to change the attitude by staying out and partying harder while ALSO being present happy moms who can get their kids to school on time.

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