Friday, October 27, 2017

meh (203/365a)

some people in the house have energy

I was pretty sad all day, because of nothing. We finally turned on the heat, and I spent most of the day cuddled by myself near the stove. There were so many fun things I wanted to be doing on this day off, but we just laid low. We didn't even go for a walk. :(

Jackie and I went for a walk later into town to get a beer and talk. She actually ordered tea, not a beer, and asked for honey. They asked what she wanted it for. She said for her tea. They came back and said they had no honey, but they had agave, would she like that? She said sure. They brought her a 2lb jar of the stuff and a giant soup spoon. Strange.

We talked about life and walked home together, noticing there were stars out. I woke Brian up so we could walk across the street to the construction site and find the twins and orion, and he said happy birthday right at midnight. <3

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