Saturday, October 14, 2017

a very tired masterclass (189/365a)

2am-1pm travelling, and then 2pm masterclass.... well, we did it!

youcef met us at the airport smiling and happy. no customs line for was nearly like coming home, seeing the same places/streets and of course people again.

we did it - tired and vitamin deficient we had a terrific time meeting students, playing with them and exchanging musical cultures. they played a polka with us, and we played two of their songs with them. we'll play one of ours and one of theirs at a concert in the roman ruins tomorrow...

youcef was very helpful translating when we needed, for example, a double bass and a cello to borrow that weren't broken.
learning about algerian ornamentation

this student will let Iva use his cello for the next three days... he has been playing for 3 years and already knows all the bach suites and several concertos by memory. he also plays many other instruments, including traditional ones.
youcef organizing for tomorrow
on our way home we found this gorgeous sunset....
crazy driving, beautiful view
... then i chose instabedtime over dinner. probably a wise choice since tomorrow is a full day!

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