Friday, October 13, 2017

putting off packing (188/365a)

take-off is tomorrow at 6am from vienna, which means leaving graz at 2am, which means ... pajama party at irmtrauds, which means being packed before then.

but naaah, i prefer to just procrastinate that until 9pm and the children have gone to bed, and then start throwing random things into a tiny suitcase.

the good news was that i had just gone to yoga at spektral (where i had a laugh attack during the beginning meditation when some random lady ran in to get something from the room and was surprised to find the floor full of yogis, and said loudly things like "sorry, i'll try to be quiet" and "i'll be gone right away, don't pay any attention to me") .,... Spektral has a free-store so I got some nice longsleeved shirts for my trip so i wasn't caught unawares by the colder than i expect problem from last time.

most of the day before then was spent chilling, first with nina then with centa. - with nina i even went and did my civic duty and voted. we also did our civic duty to do our part maintaining austria's astounding coffee culture. :)

the kids kissed me goodnight extra much... felix even asked me to "have fun and tell me all about algeria"
a quick centa chat

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