Tuesday, October 17, 2017

can't stop (193/365a)

boarding: 1am
frankfurt arrival: 6am (lost an hour)
vienna arrival: 8:15
next gig in vienna: 9:15 - 2pm ... with a different cellist, a backup group (in case our plane doesn't arrive in time) a gigantic amount of luggage, and absolutely next to 0 hours of sleep.

can we do it? YES!

we change into concert clothes in the car, we play the gig, with multiple espressos, somehow pack everything into the van, and head home. i left my keys at home (on purpose so i don't lose them somewhere in africa) but noone is home so i head straight to jackie and andi's house where my kids are not-at-all waiting for me. ("oh hello mama" and off they go to play)

glad i went there, they had dinner all ready (andi's mom was there to cook) and i just had to enjoy and participate and talk a mile a minute because i was on a sleep deprivation high.
serving salad

home and instant sleep while reading the wizard of oz.

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