Saturday, October 21, 2017

Leben, Lachen, Liebe (197/365a)

l'chaim l'chaim to life!
kindergarten has occasional werkltage which are days they ask parents/friends to come and work on things together - stuff like chopping firewood, fixing/cleaning tents, putting up/taking down swings etc. i have never been, but brian tries to go every time. every time so far i have had a conflict. imagine my excitement when i realized i didn't have a conflict this time... 

until we were on our way back from algeria and scheduled a rehearsal for this morning. ...

which got canceled last night..... i can, go, right?

yes, but now... i can chose not to. :) so i decided to spend the day werkling my own stuff - cleaning, fixing things, relaxing. 

eventually i went on a tourist walk of graz with nina, where we stood in the bike lane and took selfies with the uhr turm and checked out K&Ö ... very fun. 

we found this great bottle of wine, and it went very well with the raspberries from the garden. brian and i each chose one of the three things listed on the bottle to toast to: life, love, and laughter. i'll drink to any and all of those!

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